Thursday, 14 April 2016

Target Audience review of opening sequence

The review above is from a 17 year who is clearly a good judge of the film as he also studies media, the age is also included in our target audience so this helps as he not only says what he thinks we did well but also says what we could have improved
The above is an interview from a 10 year old and shows clearly what age group we do not think should be part of our target audience which is why the 10 year old says that he doesn't think it is appropriate for his age group but he does say that the concept is good and that he likes the plot
The review above is from a 15 year old that is included in our target audience as the younger part of it, the comments were clearly positive and she lists clearly what she likes about the film while also providing points of improvement that we could make

Overall the above interviews not only show the target audience we are aiming for but also allows us to see what we did well as a group in filming such as good camera angles and an interesting plots compared with the improvements we could have made which were mostly to do with casting so clearly it was just the acting that might not be great but overall all of the comments are generally positive

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