Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Target Audience interviews and questionnaires pre-filming

Research into interviews:

-we interviewed roughly 10 people in order to see what audience best responded to the idea of the film and what their view of the plot was, it was seen in the results that our film would clearly be more focused on a younger audience as they not only found the plot more interesting but enjoy horror movies more than the older people we asked who saw the idea as being more unrealistic and slightly immature as they did not like the idea of teenage victims or teenage killers but otherwise they thought that the idea was fine whereas the younger people we spoke to not only liked the use of teens for the killer and the victim.
-the questions that we used allowed us to see how according to age what people's preferences were in terms of if they like thrillers, what features of thrillers they prefer and finally what sub-genre they like most as well as asking about their favourite thriller in order to see what kind of films are most popular among different age groups and allowed for us to adapt our film and make any changes before filming in order to produce the best film possible.

Thriller films questionnaire to target audience:
-we created a questionnaire on google in order for it to be treated like a real project and for the questionnaires to appear like the ones that would actually be used for surveys on real films
-the questionnaire is what we used to interview the people we questioned in order to gage what there idea of the thriller genre they prefer.

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