new and final developed idea with a change of group instead of Jonathan, yoseph, cesare and Michele it is now Jonathan, yoseph and Sam: person calls cleaning company from yellow pages that is actually a kill for hire service, the hit man who is dressed as a cleaner goes to the house and starts the job, the killer goes into the bedroom and kills the unsuspecting teen with no remorse, he then leaves the scene of the crime with the satisfaction of a job well done, he then sends a message to the phone number that reads: it's done and says the money owed and where to put it
Sequence First Draft
1. Opening with the murderer emptying his bag
2. Taking plastic sheets out of bag
3. Opening up the sheets
4. Laying sheets out on the floor
5. Put leather tool carrier on the side table
6. Opening of leather tool carrier
7. Taking out syringe and filling with liquid and squeeze check
8. Camera pans to taped up victim in corner who starts calling out for help
9. Murderer walks over and puts a sock in their mouth and duct tape over mouth
10. Injects them with syringe to knock them out
11. Moves victim into centre of the room
12. Killer starts stabbing with blood being flicked into his face to show he is chopping her up
13. Pans to wall
14. Then blood hits the wall
15. Taking plastic down
16. Putting it in bin bags
17. Bin bags in corner assumedly filled with body parts
18. Stuffing bags into car
19. Pan up to sky with title appearing
changes made:
- young hit man instead of one middle aged man who looked average
- no narration
- victim is now a teen
- location has changed to a lived in house
- hit man used instead of an amateur
-use of a watermelon to create a stabbing like sound
-murder weapon is a knife
-plastic sheets to avoid mess
-camera, tripod and microphone are same as prop list
-cleaning bucket to portray cleaner cover
-phone to portray teen as being unaware
-use of a watermelon to create a stabbing like sound
-murder weapon is a knife
-plastic sheets to avoid mess
-camera, tripod and microphone are same as prop list
-cleaning bucket to portray cleaner cover
-phone to portray teen as being unaware
-will be filmed in an average suburban house
-uses a bedroom, the staircase, the outside of the house and the kitchen
-a regular technology obsessed teenager is left home alone
-uses a bedroom, the staircase, the outside of the house and the kitchen
-a regular technology obsessed teenager is left home alone
Costume: -murderer will be wearing regular clothes such as tracksuit and jumper in order for him to look like a regular person and for him to be able to cover his face
-victim will wear normal teenager clothes such as jeans and a t-shirt in order for it to appear realistic in the sense that both characters are just normal people
-murderer will be a regular looking teen who is bigger than the victim and therefore asserts dominance, he is 16-17 years old but however his age is irrelevant in the film
-murderer will be a regular looking teen who is bigger than the victim and therefore asserts dominance, he is 16-17 years old but however his age is irrelevant in the film
-victim will be a 16-17 year old male in order for it to seem as if a murder can happen to anyone and not just a girl
Sub-genre:-the film will be a horror thriller
-it will involve an element or horror which is the murder and the thriller element is the fact that the killer is a cleaner who never leaves a mess which is ironic as his posing character is related to his real job as he does clean up
Sequence Final Draft
- titles
- pan down from titles
- medium long-shot of teen texting in bed
- establishing wide shot on house plus track hit man walking down path to house
- POV close up of doorbell being pressed
- cut back to bedroom (teen looking up as bell noise sounds)
- girl starts to get up
- long-shot/tracking as teen walks downstairs to front door
- medium shot from back of teen opening front door
- follow teen as he walks to room he wants cleaned (points out room to killer dressed as cleaner)
- birds eye view of killer laying down plastic sheeting
- close up on killer opening bag of cleaning supplies to take out knife
- close up on killer showing mouth smiling
- shouts: come in here for a second
- medium long-shot of teen walking through door
- POV of killer walking to door and locking it
- eye-line match extreme close up of locking door
- teen says 'why do you need me here?'
- killer replies 'I don't'
- medium shot of killer walking towards teen with knife behind his back
- eye-line match medium close up on knife striking teen
- extreme close up on killers face as blood splatters onto it, he smiles (blood is flicked into their face)
- cut to black
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