Saturday, 2 April 2016

What is a thriller?

A thriller is an exciting, suspenseful film especially a mystery story that has intrigue, there is always an enigma to be resolved that will change the equilibrium. A common feature of a thriller film will be a death, kidnapping or assault that will lead to a chase involving a hero and a villain. Binary opposition is essential in this process as it enables the audience to determine whose side they should be on. Another common convention (expectation) used in the thriller is the anti-hero a character that is flawed and put in a position that they don't necessarily want to be in, but ultimately they save the day. Watching a thriller generally involves willing suspension of disbelief (this means we know the idea is ridiculous but we buy into it for the duration of the film.

Types of thrillers:

Psychological- e.g. seven and inception
Sci-fi- e.g. alien, terminator and 2001
Action- james bond, jason bourne and die hard
Crime- Sherlock Holmes and the usual suspects
Police- fast and furious 6
Conspiracy/political- Captain America, mission impossible and White House down 
Horror- alien, the shining and devil
Supernatural- paranormal activity and the sixth sense


Psychological thriller- is a thriller story which emphasizes the psycology of its characters and their unstable emotional states
Action thriller- Featuring guns, cool explosions, and amazing set pieces
Conspiracy thriller- In which the hero/heroine confronts a large, powerful group of enemies whose true extent only s/he recognizes. 
Political thriller- In which the hero/heroine must ensure the stability of the government that employs him.


Inception- this is a psychological thriller as it is all about the mind
Alien- this is a sci-fi thriller as it is set in space 
Sherlock Holmes- this is a crime thriller as it involves mystery and trying to solve a crime and find a criminal

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