Thursday, 7 April 2016

How the actor fits into the thriller sub-genre

- hired killers are intimidating and are excited at the prospect of killing someone but at the same time have a job to do, we have a male that will play this role who look like an average cleaner but once that switch flips, and the music comes on, he turns into a careless killer, this will fit well into the genre as he doesn't look like a killer so this twist is more exciting
- teen is stubborn, focused on technology rather than the real world and is unaware of what is happening around him, this plays into the genre as it not only uses the helpless teen as a victim but also plays into the usual stereotype of teens who are careless which contrasts to the teens who are killers and are careful

Comparison to real actors:

Real actors that would be perfect to play a role similar to the killer are for example Bruce Willis, Jason Statham, Danny Dyer or Jude Law, these actors are not only very sinister looking but also are able to masquerade as something they are not
These actors are very appropriate for use in a thriller as they have experience in these type of films and have had much success in the field.
Compared to real actors such as those above our actors do not look as threatening and are clearly not as comfortable portraying another completely different persona however the results that the actors displayed are acceptable as this was clearly their first attempt at acting.
The above is a photo of the actor who played our victim, his name is Yosi Tesc and it is clear that from our use as him as the victim he was supposedly meant to be a less threatening looking actor than the killer, compared to a real actor such as those above it is clear there are many differences such as acting ability however those named above are usually the killers are therefore unable to be compared as they are rarely the victim, however compared to a regular victim such as the fat guy in Zombieland it is clear that our victim is does not fit the regular profile of a victim such as the picture below however due to acting skill he plays this part very well and does show how a victim is supposed to be presented.
The actor that played the killer in our film was clearly not as sinister looking as those used in real films but he did the job that we needed and even though his acting is not great it does the purpose intended and actually comes across as a very sinister and appropriate person for the role. The picture below is of the actor we used as the killer. He clearly looks appropriate to play the role and gave a good performance. 
This is the actor that played our killer, compared to the classic killer look he is much less menacing and is clearly much younger but as a teen killer he is the correct height and size to be a more threatening character.
Classic teen killers in movies for example look like this:
There are clearly similarities and differences between both killers as the real actor looks more natural in the role and is much more comfortable with what he is doing, this is compared with the actor we used who is clearly not used to acting in this type of role and can clearly not be as professional but does do a good job for this type of role.

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