Sunday, 27 March 2016

Textual Analysis of Kill Bill

Clip 1: There are many sounds in the clip of this film, the main sounds are from her banging inside the coffin and the earth being filled in above her, the sound is mostly diegetic as they can hear it aswell with her screams and grunts and the sound of the torch hitting the side and then the sound the of the nails being hit into the coffin and the mariachi music, the men at the beginning talking and then the camera switching to her sacred expression shows her fear and her eyes show both shock and fear, the sound has been amplified so that her breathing is more loud than it should be and the banging of the nails is synchronous, the effect of the light dimming out which signifies all hope being lost and then all sound stops which shows the evaporation of her hope, the diegetic sound of the car shows that there is no one there to save her. The girl looked beaten up, the lighting is dark and inside the coffin it is pitch black, the camera shows extreme close ups of her eyes and the motive behind it is revenge, when the camera looks up at him shows that he is in control with her low angle looking up at him and his high angle looking down at her shows her weakness.

Clip 2: The next scene of her breaking out of the coffin is interesting, her knuckles bleeding and the diegetic sound of her grunting and then the effect of her hand erupting from the earth is very effective because it shows you that she has reached safety, once she climbs out her deep breaths and gasps for air show you her struggle, then the effect of her walking across a road into a diner to ask for a glass of water and plays it off as if nothing has happened which informs you of her dedication and lack of fear, when she is in the coffin the non-diegetic sound of the mariachi music reassures you of a new hope and then the more light and upbeat sound ensures you that she is going to eventually escape. She is in control when she is underground as shown by the establishing shot on the grave and then the switch to inside the coffin and then the camera pans across the side of the coffin to make it seem bigger, the golden lighting inside the coffin symbolises hope.

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